CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by A.R.E. Mark Bizzozero.

R.E.REPORT: Mark Bizzozero said that R.E. Ed Leubner was unable to attend the meeting as he was out of state on business, but that Ed had said he would be back in time to attend the NER Mini-Con in Saratoga, NY on November 14th.
For any CNYR members attending, Mark recommended the SOLO course design seminar to be held on Sat. the 14th.
Ed had distributed to specialty chiefs via e-mail a merchandise list for placing an order with National for needed supplies. Mark had a copy of the list at the meeting and invited members to look it over.
Mark also said that Ed would be checking with Mike Snyder as to the cost of helmet stickers.

ASST. R.E. REPORT: Mark Bizzozero said that on the previous Sunday he and Scott Newton had cleaned out our old SOLO van and the contents will be stored at Mark’s residence until needed in the spring.

TREASURER REPORT: Jay Cartini cautioned that until revenues pick up with the start of our SOLO program in the spring, the budget will be tight with dues renewals the main source of revenue until then. Any suggestions on fund raising to replace our SOLO van would be appreciated.
For the month ending October 31, 2015 our current account balance stands at $5,818.62.

SECRETARY REPORT: Bob Holcomb made a motion that the meeting minutes for our October 14, 2015 meeting be approved as they appeared on our web-site. Mike Donofrio seconded, motion carried.
Bob reminded those in attendance that he would need someone to take the meeting minutes while he basks in Florida sunshine during the winter. Jon Coffin volunteered and is expected to do his usual exemplary job as Sec.Pro-Tem.
Bob also mentioned that come spring of 2016 he and his wife Nancy will be putting their Liverpool home on the market to ready for a full time move to Florida, although they would still visit CNY for a few weeks each summer during racing season.

ACTIVITIES REPORT: Ted Barbuto said our annual banquet is scheduled for Sunday, January 24th, 2016 at Borio’s Restaurant with an approximate time of 3pm to 7pm, which may be subject to change.
Ted asked if members would consider not holding the banquet in an attempt to help keep our bank account in check during the winter? A general discussion followed and instead of expecting the region to pick up half of the cost of the banquet, it was decided to increase the cost to each member.
Jon Coffin moved to make it $25 per member with kids 16 and under free. Mike Donofrio seconded, motion carried. It was noted that soft drinks will be free, otherwise there will be a cash bar.

SOLO REPORT: Scott Newton said the season is done and a general discussion regarding the SOLO van followed.
The subject of trophies was discussed and instead of the usual plaques, which most agreed just took up shelf space at their homes, Jon Coffin suggested looking into the cost for helmet bags, while Scott Newton suggested perhaps a framed photo of the winning entrants. Poppa Sports in Syracuse will be checked for their pricing.
Mark Bizzozero said that Ed Leubner had sent a note asking if there was anything new on the Seneca Army Depot which was rumored to have been sold. Scott Newton said he understands that the county has a buyer but is not saying just who that is at this point. He will look into it.

RALLY CROSS REPORT: Jim Quattro reported that the last event, a double weekend of Sat. Oct, 24th at the Walczyk farm in Weedsport and Sun. Oct. 25th at Rolling Wheels Raceway Park would have been a huge success with 35 entrants had Mother Nature not provided a deluge of rain each day.
Oct. 24th at Walcyzk’s farm, the event started at approx. 3 p.m. with entrants getting in roughly 3 runs until hard rain hit around 9 p.m.
Oct. 25th at Rolling Wheels had a hard wind, rain, drying conditions, then more rain, which made the track too slippery to run on. As a result, only half the entrants were able to get in 2 runs, while the other half got in none. To compensate those unable to get in their runs, a $40 coupon was offered toward a future event.
Jim said that he is in hopes that a video that was being shot during the Rally Cross events will help promote the sport to new entrants.
It was mentioned that Finger Lakes Region may (key word “may”) be holding an event at the Walczyk farm on November 21st although it is not confirmed at the time of our meeting.
Jim said he hopes to end the current season on December 13th with an event at the Walczyk farm.
Jim also said he is working on Rally Cross trophies for the annual banquet.

F&C REPORT: Mick Levy said there is not much going on, especially with the repaving at Watkins Glen that started in August and had just finished in mid-October with the exception of the pit area.
For 2016, Chump Car is scheduled at Watkins on May 27-29, Memorial Day weekend.

CNYRP: Jim Quattro said he had attended a meeting with Glen Donnelly on Tues., Nov. 10th. The current schedule is for the oval track to be available starting Memorial weekend of 2016, with the road course schedule still in limbo.
Proposed events in 2016 include a flat track event in August, racing in July and Labor Day weekend and then Super Dirt Week come October, 2016.
Jim said he is trying to get Glen to pour concrete for the infield area vs. asphalt, as concrete will last longer than asphalt with SOLO and Drifting events using that area.
Currently, however, asphalt is cheaper than concrete.
Jon Coffin said he would hope they wait until the oval track is finished before doing any paving infield, whether concrete or asphalt.
Jim discussed a prototype of proposed memberships for CNYRP, with pricing for the road course, oval and go-kart facilities.
The road course would be $4,000/year for 80 nights of use, or $30,000 for 10 years.
The dirt track would be $2,000/year or $15,000 for 10 years and the go-kart facility would run $2,000/year.
Also, a guest may run at the track for $200/night if they attend with a member, otherwise it would run $300/night.

OLD BUSINESS: Jay Cartini said that he could not find a title for the SOLO van which Rex Franklin said has been sold to a buyer for $1,250. The sale, according to Rex, would still allow us use of the van if we so needed it. Rex also said that we could obtain a duplicate title from the NYS DMV.
Much general discussion followed regarding the needs for a future equipment van or trailer, size, features, cost, etc.
Mark Bizzozero suggested putting the SOLO Chief, Scott Newton, in charge of searching for replacement for the SOLO van and he will do so.

NEW BUSINESS: Election of Officers.
Mark Bizzozero asked if there were any nominations from the floor.
Being none, Rex Franklin as Chair of the Nominating Committee asked that the Secretary cast one unanimous vote for each candidate. Mike Donofrio seconded, motion carried.
Congratulations (?) to newly re-elected R.E. Ed Leubner, A.R.E. Mark Bizzozero, TREASURER Jay Cartini, ACTIVITITES DIR. Ted Barbuto and Secretary Bob Holcomb.
50/50: The 50/50 raffle was won by Jay Cartini for $26.

ADJOURN: A motion to adjourn was made by Mike Donotrio, seconded by Ed Heffron, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Submitted by:
Bob Holcomb, Secretary.

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